De-Shed Bath

Includes a bath with our premium de-shedding shampoo and conditioner, blow dry, brushing out of undercoat, paw trim, nail trim, and ear cleaning.
A deshed bath is done because these breeds cannot be dried and groomed properly without it. Not taking proper care of these types of coats in particular increases the risk of hot spots and other skin related issues. We do NOT shave double coated dogs unless recommended by a Veterinarian.
Small $48
Small Plus $57
Medium $66
Medium Plus $78
Large $88
Extra Large $70/Hour
*Extra Brushing/Dematting $15/15 mins
Breed examples include: Labrador Retriever, Pug, Beagle , Chihuahua, Great Dane, Mastiff, Pointers, Boxer, Bulldogs, ect.
** Basic Bath (no de-shedding) is available upon request- Please email or call the salon to discuss**
Teeth Brushing $8
Nail Grinding $8